Thursday, July 29, 2010

Delicately yet subtly it came, a moment awaited so long, need deprived for ages past, now complete. Resolved once more peace is granted and again there is bliss, satisfaction and inspiration. Never anticipating the precious simplicity of such innocence, light as a feather soft silken youth unscathed, wretched is this beast that devours beauty so unique. Thirst must quench and the goddess graces desire with this gift so sweet. Unwrapping ribbons, intent shivers for fear of damaging the fragility to behold. Unfamiliar encounter attains a certain harmony and somehow everything is alright. Nowhere near the expected explosive ravaging savage and desperate, the soul takes over and commands man to behave in spite of his lower self. Restraint shown proves to reap the greatest fruit; somehow this is not the way it was conceived, as usual so much better because scripted by the bloke who has ultimate style.

Cheers old friend, guide and master outdone once again by through and for us, nothing less than the expected unexpected splendor always ripe with surprise. Embarrassed for the previously maintained doubt or skepticism now one bows down in a rarely genuine humble gesture of gratitude, for expression of sentiment is a deformation due to limitation. At best art can be offered, a symbol of creativity within the magnificence of this continual manifest. She sings, I hear and everything is good again.

There has been a significant gap in the stream of creative flows, incubating in nature perhaps, but somewhat dull, devoid of stimulus, routine. Reasons for the lull cannot be easily identified, in synchronization with a multitude of unresolved issues. Even this writing, dry, unenthusiastic, forced with the meditative poise disturbed distracted. Hiding behind the veil of a self assumed high ground, arrogance seeps in with her classic swagger. The real questions being left unanswered, not even engaged through contemplation, written off as the riddle of an entity beyond separate, who with a larger field of influence and / or understanding must address for unrelated agenda. Ours remains the immediate goal, survival, propagation of ego centric acquisitions, conquest, image building strategy. Domain and territory transpires unto the idea sphere, nothing remains original or pure, boredom sets in thus we get fat and fart. Ridicule not this metaphor for it translates literal and obvious.

Somewhere a stand must be taken and matter needs guidance, because unless individual awareness aligns with consciousness manifestation though continual and perennial, danger will persist. True freedom comes not toward a succumbing and decline, testing the will of divine energies. The moment needs to be seized, as the struggle is upwards with help from the higher, and not the necessary uplifting of a dead inert load. Our part in this endeavor cannot be disregarded, for the danger that the contrary attitude may cause. Even if these rants were mistaken, and the play shall resolve unto itself irrespective of the human input, the effort shall never be vain. As a tonality our spirit demands some form of action regardless of guidance or lack of therein, for solely through some form of contribution we evolve further. A gift is rarely just presented, fearing the potential lack of value that such a casual gesture may accompany.

For solitude blissful undisturbed, awaiting the next level of revelation, inevitably disappointed by a thundering silence from the source of infinite experience, yet suddenly it becomes clear. The teaching is over, and all communication now is absolved the need for its former intense bursts and rude awakenings. Fortunately the principle is being embodied, lived and displayed through example, consistent garnering higher definition. Though many flaws persist in method, skill in delivery cannot be questioned, and humbly with grace applause is accepted. It comes through this bliss, the quiet, the calm, effortless. Now this relationship ascends to a new meaning and together almost as comrades, colleagues, friends the work begins to unfold. A benchmark signifying the conquest in physicality of this holy riddle approaches, which can usher in possibilities for greater complexity.

As darkness withdraws and reason begins to rise up from psychosis, suddenly all fiends approach once again with false promises and that familiar cackle. Sadly participation in the circus is inevitable, though this time eyes have sharpened and lies revealed in human form, twitching cold. One gives thanks to these demons for without their sickness and ignorance nothing could have come to pass, and never does arrogance allow this boy to think of himself any better, as truth certifies otherwise beyond any shadow of doubt. The darkest most foul vile abyss lies concealed in this vessel, a place safer than any other. For at the gates of this fortress prison operates the most formidable guardian to such evil. Pure faith…

Countless sages present and past, some known, otherwise operating in anonymity, all struggling to herd the flocks, masses of twitching flesh groping for the next best deal. The wise ones know all along that their roles are dictated not by their own genius but in line with an ethic that they could only hope to aspire towards. The unfortunate visible few, persecuted, idolized and abused made mockeries of truth worshiped by the ignorant. Such examples discourage the rest from coming forward, all secretly hoping that the true descended divinity will assume his throne, whose orders they can surrender to. Where is this messiah, prophet, king, friend, translator; how many times does he come and go unnoticed through, among us in living memory documented and ridiculed, a recurring phenomenon, and personality too raw for digestion. Perhaps the fact is we cannot follow such a high ethic, our moral standards too depraved, looking into the face divine painful beyond measure, probably the reason for recognition issues.

The father becomes a stranger, his sons and daughters lost in the desert storm thick smog of lies, unable to see past the cash blindfold. Chasing tall fair skinned sharp nosed swaggering wealth, metro-sexualized puckered confusion of a eunuch, betrayer of man’s true representative, this is the very end of reason. Spit on what is pure just in case the infection spreads, for honesty is a disease intolerable. Cast the boy out into the cold; do not hesitate for this act is not your choice, but a training program being run through your twisted mangle of a being. And the horror of what has been done will one day be revealed too late, for this one has been shunned once too often and somewhere the line will be drawn again in the sand. Only this time she will unfortunately be on the other side, no longer protected.

Shuddering at the nightmare that Eden becomes, fornicate all in an orgiastic ocean of empty ecstasy, whispering false promises hollow shallow vacant eyes. Your world turns thus and coy shy trickery justifies the debauchery. Disgust is a tool now which will shield the crucial elements from Asura laughing. Go and dance for them now, I am sure the color of intimacy ripens opportunity for one last endeavor. A Sadhana shall soon begin that can only end in Samadhi, all dreams erased between the two movements, time is running out and tolerance for these theatrics strained. Warnings went out at every juncture, assurances of the return that were never believed or given due consideration. Always violated by short term immediate temporary nauseating lunges for security, because faith was never alive.

Now humiliated and raped by all that took advantage of a situation staged only to unravel what was not to be seen, a second chance is in the offing, glimmer of hope suppressed by a herculean ego that shall not accept mistake, and sees only a deliberate testing that can repeat at any point. There is not much reason to believe that integrity is a quality ingrained as every sign points towards more disaster. Now left right or straight deception persists.

This which shall follow, blasphemy, sin, an utterance evil, now must be said. She is referred to as mother divine, power manifest, and energy force rushing through the matrix of space time, past present, future, with a directive singular, mission defined. The most crucial of tasks entrusted to this extremity, with assurances of delivery, promise of faith, for failure cannot be accepted, lest the whole process need reboot again. She lives in our being, the composition upon that which composes, a web of reality fluctuating and frothing forth. Such entity one would normally assume from stereotype, to be an image serene, cautious, in control operating from a dignity of poise unattainable. A delicate balance, the seal a mark of supreme wisdom flawless, always calm; knowing exactly how and where to strike.

But then the recoil of gazing upon her hideous visage, nostrils flaring, teeth glinting, eyes bulging savage wrath and insane frenzy, wherefore does this chaos stem? He who knows her former grace lays down as appeal for reason, this madness cannot go on, yet this other is recognized not and trampled, disrespected, abused. Too late the realization dawns and tongue biting regret serves no purpose, everything must end now for we arrive upon the point of no return. How often can she be given license such, for even the divine will lay down some standard, evolution encourages not a retreat into the archaic, for it is a higher principle that needs fulfillment.

Another warning sounding through the heavens, stern and firm, this is no game and deliverance draws close, will we drop the ball?

Much conflicting argument, prodding for justifications owing to the lack of certainty, confronted so often with the same voyeurism and inquisitive contradictions. The hypocrites babble on and from a wider view, inevitably dragged down to common lower ground, one stares into the wrath filled jealous eyes, but wisdom of experience, though not necessarily age, has taught the art of deception through theatrics to better poise the self to learn from this agitated ignorance.

Because at some level the haunting doubt persists that there could be reason in all the barks and yelps though unplanned, accidental. Like listening to the pattern behind static and snow, judgment and ego once removed always notices the need for these encounters. The purpose these divergent individuals serve to reveal what many a time the intellect intentionally attempts to avoid.

Recurring through the inquisition now appears the common theme, a probing of the integrity associated with such a, supposedly noble path, this focal doubt critical, beautiful like the pain of harboring a pearl, who really knows where to go? For even the turn towards something assumed higher and pure, could very well be nothing more trivial than another form of self deception, draped in the latest style, fit for a contemporary obsessed emperor.

Yes, admittedly there is no surety in looking up, neither in wallowing in the gutter, nor a complete turn to darkness. But in the end things always boil down, condense and crystallize to be nothing more or less than what they must, for a consideration that vastly outweighs our own limited range in understanding agenda. So even though this was the most dubious attempt towards redemption, or a desperate bid for salvation, nevertheless, we deal in currency not ours.

Alas the stage is set and players have no script, for audience there is none, thus what else would one have if not joy and frivolous play. A choice is the simplest part of the riddle, the real test lies thereafter.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pause; reconsider just for this moment, everything that till now was assumed to be fact, taken for granted, justified as reality, unchangeable, intangible and immutable. Now breathe… just breathe and feel understanding ripple through the realm of definition and subtly permeate that too which cannot be defined, the in between upon which space time and all that we assume to be, is composed upon. For such an element, or entity of wisdom defies our paradoxes that stem from limitation, challenges rationale and intellect, obstacles that were designed specifically to be overcome. A task much the same as dealing with lust and greed, fear and ignorance, duality or the sense of separation; all illusions to lull the undeveloped into a sense of security that there is nothing more to it. No greater purpose, overall plan, sophisticated design. After all, surely this plane is nothing but an amusement park for the satiation of desire, which itself is insatiable, and therefore the vicious cycle must continue. Such a demonic trap, directionless and empty yet somehow the rationalist survivors argument. So we fight fire with fire, consuming each other, bleeding brothers, raping sisters, and devastating a mother only to disappoint the father. ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbikam’ we have been told all along, yet mute and deaf the collective stands witnessing the savagery and ravaging of the only family the universe ever knew. If only emotion revealed itself for its true potential, perhaps we might reach beyond the aggression of ego induced machismo deluded by the possibility of answers or solutions. Counter measures are not for us to dictate because lacking the overall perspective of a wider field in understanding we operate within the confines of limitation, not appreciating the profundity of involved divinity that merely responds in synchronization to our disturbing behavior, mistaken for hostility. Similar to an immune system the alarming changes that occur in context, accelerated evolution and mystic interventions, all brought forth by a calmly gazing guardian; a parent sacrificing all, just to ensure the safety in delivery of this infantile conception, appointing select few to assist in the transformation process. Those with this granted relevance, now shouldering the burden of enhanced responsibility, tottering around like raving lunatics, rambling on as soothsayers and shamans. We are too few, perhaps just a handful, yet more than any personal ambition that could ever arise, a call to the highest surpasses all regard for the individual. Ridicule and attack is something that one has long been used to, but now at the moment where to engage is the need, tolerance for bigotry is waning. Long have words been harnessed and withheld, but the dam bursts through cracks of frustrated enthusiasm. Accelerate; unfold just for this moment.

The pacifist method never worked, neither does aggression nor cold diffidence. A new force must be generated, fresh characteristics and an evolved style. Here’s calling forth the next level of severity and authority that can truly lead from behind the veil. Arrogance well deserved, discipline hyper developed, and patience hard earned through experience. Coupled with youth, strength and grace, speed matched in beauty. Never perfection or even assumed to be thus, for this is one who understands better than to make such pathetic assumptions. Balance and poise encompassing innocence that will strike with the wrath of all that is darkness if the need were to arise, for such a being knows the highest skill to be culture. Not regional or even galactic, surpassing the universal as well, because operating systems transcend all realms manifest and not. Invoke a presence that, on the surface can never be fully understood, and even through close encounter shall never be seen. Secrets known not even to the bearer of light, for he has now been mistaken as the prince of darkness, this boy is king without throne. Holding an invisible burden that would crush the atlas in an instant, but somehow his way is calm, effortless but aware of critical necessity. Calculations across the spectrum of possibility have been negotiated well in advance and micro interventions constantly executed with the subtlest precision, that could be easily masked perhaps though a belch for all we knew. Behavior cannot be obvious for the entity would be singled out too soon, and an avatar is usually shy even in full view, because the hopes and aspirations of nothing and none lie prostrated before the greatness. Most are too occupied with the worship of rich, sensual, magnificently bold demonstrations of pomp and excess. This suits the mission perfectly for only the most delicate and intricate knowledge, hidden, concealed yet active in every breath any ripple of muscle dictates the fate of man. Therefore such activity can never be ‘performed’, so to speak and privacy or seclusion is almost essential for the effective functioning of a process unfathomable to the ordinary intellect. It is better thus. There is a chance for us yet, he works, he fights, and he is.

Although most focus is to be directed towards happenings at the supramental plane, it can never be forgotten that there is an undeniable relation between its evolution and development of physical, material eventualities. This is a resultant from the fact that we are witnessing a complex interplay between the concerns of ‘purusha’ and resonant responses through ‘prakriti’. Due to ‘lila’, the divine play, cosmic dance, what cannot be appreciated is always reflected in what can. Intercourse has certain qualities that we ourselves can relate to through our own sexuality, and much the same as all the courtship games involved in the process towards fornication, consciousness is on its subtle way, in the process of impregnating matter. But for the moment this is mere foreplay, and all of history to this point, was the arrangement of stetting, context, location, environment, mood, ambiance and roles. Now to fully appreciate the beauty of such unification, and not mistake the coming together for some gruesome, grotesque blood drenched impaling, we must draw our own awareness out of ignorance to comprehend the process that is about to take place. If ever as a child one walked into a parent’s bedroom during a compromising situation, the shock of what could be witnessed is enough to lead said child towards a multitude of disturbing conclusions. However once possessing the wisdom of age, the same individual would not only be sensitized towards the difference between lovemaking and assault, should it be confronted with such a scene, but would also be smart enough not to invade privacy in the first place, for fear of causing inconvenience to all concerned. This is the essence of discretion and such a cultural skill cannot be achieved unless one is fully aware of exactly what is occurring. Therefore even though most know about the general condition of the physical plane, and perhaps also comprehend its spiritual implications, perhaps it would be prudent to analyze events with a proper perspective of their interrelated dynamics. Stereotypically every activist evangelist’s crusade of late has revolved around concern for the state of our planet’s health and how our species is important enough to have been responsible for the damage in its entirety, and more arrogantly, capable of orchestrating whatever repair work necessary. Much like an over enthusiastic doctor prescribing anti obesity medication to a pregnant woman to counter the bodily changes involved in the conception process. Such a judgment would stem from a preconceived notion of what an appropriate or acceptable image for woman as a generalization implies, and anything defying this standard is deemed unnatural. Everything needs fixing as if nothing is capable of self recovery, assuming there is a problem in the first place. All conscious beings have their own intricate mechanisms for repair and renewal, already present as a part of their makeup. The problem lies in our definitions of what we assume to be alive or on the other extreme just dead matter.

The earth, our mother, cannot be mistaken for an inanimate object without a will of her own, for this would be an observation based only on the narrowness of our minds. If a system is far more complex in elaboration than what we can comprehend does not imply that it does not exist, and for that mater, not only the planet, but the solar system, the galaxy and the universe at large are all consciously living and part of a singular whole that defies the furthest stretches of imagination. Therefore as we too belong to the said organizational hierarchy it should be our existential duty to acknowledge this cosmoses’ ability to heal itself; if in fact it needed healing in the first place. To appropriately deal with the situation it is more important to simply provide for an ambient setting within which the entirety has the opportunity to access its inherent immunity. For all we know this entire alarming hullabaloo is nothing more than our inability to fully appreciate and calmly witness a cyclic change of the inevitable. When a woman’s body temperature rises in the heat of orgasmic ecstasy, does one stop short to administer paracetamol? Or can an erect penis be cured through amputation? In such situations it would be best for the ignorant to step back and not interfere, because the problem in the first place is nothing more than a simple profound lack of faith. Is it possible that creation has come all this way, only to fall in waste helplessly like some frail creature at the last moment of metamorphosis? Surely the divine knows better than this, and even if this turning of the ages involves our extinction, so be it, and let us be sacrificed for the greater plan which we cannot fathom. But never should the ego be allowed delusion to assume that we are the problem, reason, and solution all in all with no regard for all the countless factors at play that have nothing to do with the human physicality. This is a transition of consciousness, which by the way, encompasses everything human and otherwise. So make no mistake, it’s going to be a bumpy ride and it would be best to know our place.