Thursday, July 29, 2010

Countless sages present and past, some known, otherwise operating in anonymity, all struggling to herd the flocks, masses of twitching flesh groping for the next best deal. The wise ones know all along that their roles are dictated not by their own genius but in line with an ethic that they could only hope to aspire towards. The unfortunate visible few, persecuted, idolized and abused made mockeries of truth worshiped by the ignorant. Such examples discourage the rest from coming forward, all secretly hoping that the true descended divinity will assume his throne, whose orders they can surrender to. Where is this messiah, prophet, king, friend, translator; how many times does he come and go unnoticed through, among us in living memory documented and ridiculed, a recurring phenomenon, and personality too raw for digestion. Perhaps the fact is we cannot follow such a high ethic, our moral standards too depraved, looking into the face divine painful beyond measure, probably the reason for recognition issues.

The father becomes a stranger, his sons and daughters lost in the desert storm thick smog of lies, unable to see past the cash blindfold. Chasing tall fair skinned sharp nosed swaggering wealth, metro-sexualized puckered confusion of a eunuch, betrayer of man’s true representative, this is the very end of reason. Spit on what is pure just in case the infection spreads, for honesty is a disease intolerable. Cast the boy out into the cold; do not hesitate for this act is not your choice, but a training program being run through your twisted mangle of a being. And the horror of what has been done will one day be revealed too late, for this one has been shunned once too often and somewhere the line will be drawn again in the sand. Only this time she will unfortunately be on the other side, no longer protected.

Shuddering at the nightmare that Eden becomes, fornicate all in an orgiastic ocean of empty ecstasy, whispering false promises hollow shallow vacant eyes. Your world turns thus and coy shy trickery justifies the debauchery. Disgust is a tool now which will shield the crucial elements from Asura laughing. Go and dance for them now, I am sure the color of intimacy ripens opportunity for one last endeavor. A Sadhana shall soon begin that can only end in Samadhi, all dreams erased between the two movements, time is running out and tolerance for these theatrics strained. Warnings went out at every juncture, assurances of the return that were never believed or given due consideration. Always violated by short term immediate temporary nauseating lunges for security, because faith was never alive.

Now humiliated and raped by all that took advantage of a situation staged only to unravel what was not to be seen, a second chance is in the offing, glimmer of hope suppressed by a herculean ego that shall not accept mistake, and sees only a deliberate testing that can repeat at any point. There is not much reason to believe that integrity is a quality ingrained as every sign points towards more disaster. Now left right or straight deception persists.